
Refokus: Your leading Webflow Agency

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You've had enough. Your current website just isn't cutting it anymore—it feels outdated, the CMS is a pain to manage, and it's certainly not equipped to help you achieve those big, bold business goals you've set. It's clear: a major overhaul is needed, and you're ready to make that leap.

But, taking this on internally isn't an option. Not only is there a lack of expertise, but what you truly need is a breath of fresh air—a creative partner who can understand your vision and amplify it, someone who can transform "good enough" into "beyond what we imagined."

Here's where Refokus steps in. Forget settling for convenience or going with the familiar yet underwhelming options. It's time for a strategic shift. At Refokus, we don't just redesign; we reimagine. We're not your common Webflow Agency. We dig deep, understanding your brand's essence and redefining what digital presence means for you.

This is not about starting another frustrating search; it's about ending it right here. With Refokus, you’re choosing a partner known for cutting-edge design, strategic insight, and transformative results. Let us guide you through this journey, making the path from outdated to outstanding as seamless and exciting as possible.

What set us apart?: Refokus is a unique type of Webflow Agency.

With over 40 years of combined tech industry experience and having been in the Webflow space since the very beginning, Steffi and Leo decided to start Refokus in 2021 with one goal in mind: to create a new breed of agency and reshape how agencies work and deliver value. 

This led Refokus to create a completely new agency model, defined by our human-focused mindset and unique ways of working rooted in 3 core principles:

  1. Use emerging technologies to streamline production.
  2. Treat every project and client as unique as they are
  3. Commitment to quality and emotional engagement

Let’s break those down.

Use emerging technologies to streamline production.

At Refokus, we leverage emerging technologies like Webflow and AI to streamline our production and development cycles. This strategic approach not only reduces our time spent on backend processes but also amplifies our focus on crafting superior web experiences. As a result, we’re able to deliver exceptional value at a faster pace. By cutting down development time by 70%, we reinvest our efforts into enhancing creativity and fine-tuning strategic brand positioning. Our use of custom coding to integrate additional tools and frameworks means we can produce unique websites quickly and efficiently. This fusion of design and technology not only enhances our creativity but also increases efficiency, pushing the limits of what’s possible in web design.

Webflow is integral to our process optimization philosophy. It reduces the development time and minimizes repetitive tasks, allowing us to focus more on design, animations, and strategic execution to create custom websites.

While Webflow provides a solid foundation, offering an excellent CMS and ease of maintenance, we go beyond the basics. We don’t just use Webflow; we enhance it. By developing our tools (Refokus Tools) and integrating the latest web technologies like WebGL for dynamic 3D animations, GSAP for smooth animations, and BarbaJS for seamless navigation transitions, we ensure our websites are both fast and of the highest quality. At Refokus, we’re constantly pushing boundaries and optimizing for speed without compromising on excellence.

Treat every project and client as unique as they are

Many agencies are heavily focused on operations, metrics, time tracking, and presentational work. For us, the human factor is paramount—for our team, our clients, and their customers.

Unlike agencies trapped in rigid legacy processes, we utilize flexible tools that tailor each client’s experience, reduce friction, and promote collaborative strategic thinking. This adaptability ensures each project is as unique as it is, fostering innovation through experimentation and embracing diverse perspectives. This is where the magic happens, where the Refokus team crafts emotionally engaging experiences that truly stand out.

Often in many agencies, design is primarily about aesthetics, or making things "look clean," with development simply executing these designs. At Refokus, we believe in a seamless integration of design and development, ensuring these two realms work closely together to enhance both form and function.

Take a closer look at our portfolio, and you’ll see this diversity—no two websites are alike, just as no two clients or projects are the same.

Our role is to bridge our clients' industry expertise with our deep understanding of design, development, and branding. By combining the strengths of both teams, we aim to create something truly outstanding together.

Commitment to quality and emotional engagement

Quality is what distinguishes a brand from a scrappy startup. But that doesn't mean it has to be flashy or loaded with crazy animations. Although sometimes we do go wild with powerful animations and immersive experiences, real quality lies in the details. It’s in each button, each hover, each micro-interaction. It’s about how it all flows together and makes sense as a whole. It's how the website feels.

The days when people used websites just to look up information are long gone. Nowadays, people are seeking meaningful experiences, emotional engagement, and above all, connections.

Sure, content and SEO are still important—they're the baseline for every website. But the game has changed. Now, it’s all about “emotional engagement.”

Maya Angelou once said, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." That’s the philosophy we bring to every website we create.

Our goal is to build websites with a human touch, ones that tell a story and feel authentic. These are the kinds of sites that stick in your mind, and that’s what makes us stand out. We believe that by making websites not just functional but emotionally engaging, we can help our clients establish a strong, distinctive brand presence that resonates deeply with their customers.

We’ve talked about this on our talk at the Webflow Conf 2023 in San Francisco.

And are you guys good in Webflow?

All of this sounds great, right? But you might be wondering: Are these guys good with Webflow? Well, let’s review some of our accomplishments since we started our agency 3 years ago:

  1. We've won over 80 awards, including Awwwards, FWA, and CSSDA Site of the Day, all with websites created using Webflow.
  2. We’ve worked with top-tier brands like Boston Consulting Group, Yahoo!, Spotify, and more.
  3. We were nominated for Webflow Agency of the Year at both Webflow Annual Awards 2022, and 2023. We were also the agency with more nominations (9 in total) and won 2 beautiful trophies..
  4. We’ve collaborated directly with Webflow on special projects like Layout Land, and even the Variables Demo for their conference’s keynote.
  5. We’ve developed our own set of tools, Refokus Tools, which have been cloned over 10,000 times by the Webflow community, handling over 150 million requests per month.
  6. We spoke at Webflow Conf 2023 in San Francisco and participated in a Q&A session in London.
  7. We co-sponsored the Online Marketing Rockstars event (with over 90k attendees) alongside Webflow, and presented a 60-minute Masterclass on Showcase Websites in Webflow. You can watch it here:

So yes, I’d say we know our way around Webflow quite well. Take a look here.

What type of projects does Refokus work on?

So, Refokus has established itself as one of the top Webflow agencies, not only adding value on a different level than most but also as the most award-winning one. But you might be asking yourself, are we the right agency for your project?

You probably know us for our eye-catching landing pages with stunning animations—work that often shines brightest in the industry spotlight. But if you're looking to elevate your brand, you’ll find our expertise extends well beyond these visuals.

  • For Enterprise Brands: If your company needs to upgrade its online presence, we partner with enterprises to redesign and migrate over 1000+ pages into Webflow. Our work includes highly specific custom needs with intricate integrations and workflows, ensuring that your large-scale projects maintain both quality and cohesion. Oh, and we are a Webflow Enteprise Partner, very much from our inception.
  • For Marketing Teams: If your goal is to create dynamic and effective marketing campaigns, we develop design systems that empower your team. These systems allow you to efficiently create impactful campaigns, landing pages, and scale your marketing operations to meet your strategic goals.
  • For Startups: If you're at the early stages of your business and aiming to make a significant impact, we specialize in defining brands and creating teaser or SaaS-type sites that have successfully helped startups raise over $1 billion in funding.

In other words, for us, it's not about the type of project that needs crazy animations or 3D interactions. For us, it’s about the impact we create; every project deserves the quality and attention to detail that sets your brand apart. So, if you're wondering if Refokus is the right agency for your project, ask yourself this crucial question instead:

Does my brand deserve a cool website with the highest quality, or am I okay with a template-ish feeling?

If you're looking for a Webflow agency that can deliver the highest quality, look no further. Contact us.