Our Refokus on the future, a new website made in Webflow for our agency
The idea for Refokus, a top Webflow Agency, started out of a desire to build the agency of our dreams. One that does things differently: We wanted a culture that empowers people to do their best work and grow while doing something that they love. We knew it would take more than just a foosball table, a really motivating Spotify playlist and a bunch of bean bags to accomplish this big feat. We knew that in today’s digital world, we needed a focus and to highlight our expertise in a clearly defined direction.
So, early in 2021, we investigated the current digital landscape and started to ask the hard questions of “who do we want to be” and “what do we want to offer?” We did not want to be an Eierlegende Wollmilchsau. Or in English: saying we do everything, for everyone, but then really never truly delivering to our full potential. We didn’t want to produce “meh,” but truly master a craft - do the best work of our careers.
We were one of the first adopters of Webflow back in 2013. And since, we’ve been learning the ins-and-outs alongside the founding team who built it. We have seen the evolution of the platform, and the increase in accessibility and usability for clients of all kinds. That’s when it hit us. We wanted to focus on something that had the potential to shape the future of the digital landscape. Something that could scale and adapt to all types of needs. Something that was just having its moment. We decided that Webflow was our golden ticket—we wanted to help people learn how to use the platform, but also how to grow on it and with it.
With its mission set on empowering everyone to create for the web, we decided to set our focus on using Webflow as a tool and mechanism to enable high-speed growth. For startups, enterprise, and all the types of projects and initiatives in between. With that, Refokus was born. We doubled down on being an agency with a clear focus. This laser focus is what has laid the groundwork for our extremely fast growth—both as a company and as individuals. And, embedding the concept of growth in our DNA from the onset has allowed us to translate this to our clients and partners as part of our core offering.
Now, flash forward 18 months later and our focus is still on enabling growth with Webflow. Only difference, we have more people on the team, we offer more services, and we’ve got even deeper on the inside to play around, break things, learn and grow our knowledge-base, ourselves. But our own agency growth is great and all, but that’s not what it’s all about for us. It’s about our partners—the clients, teams, thought leaders, marketers, designers, and developers—that make up the ever-evolving digital community. Our belief: we need everyone to grow together, not in isolation. We call this “Yoda-Thinking” (as most of our team are self-admitted Star Wars fanatics), less cool people would call it “A rising tide lifts all boats”.
To stay competitive in the current world, where the sudden appearance of a death star seems like less of a problem than the ones we are currently facing, collaborative growth is critical. This is why we have dedicated our mission and vision to empowering exactly that. We are here to help you (yes, you, who has so kindly made it this far) grow.
What does growth mean to us, then?
It means creating a culture based on trust and support, nurturing collaborative teams and serve an ever evolving community with our expertise. It means creating cutting-edge work that inspires and disrupts to deliver what our partners and clients need and ask for. It is all about building up those around us, no matter what. And it’s about delivering what we say we will. No overpromising around here. And we’ve done this by … yep you guessed it … having a focus. Hence, REFOKUS.
So, what’s next? Now that you know our backstory a bit, where are we going with all of this?
2023 is all about developing for the pros. We’ve been pushing the limits of Webflow as a development and design tool and how it’s applicable to any scalable company, at any stage. Since we have mastered Webflow’s technical aspects, we can refocus our energy on designing the best experiences and sharing that knowledge with our partners. So, it’s no longer about “can this be done with Webflow?”, it is about “how can we do this with you”—all in the most cost-effective, speedy and beautiful way. From “if” to “how.”
And we thought there’s no better way to show you what we mean than by updating our own brand to match the growth ambition of our company and the future of Webflow. We are thrilled to launch our brand-new website that pushes the boundaries of Webflow in both design and development. The site reflects the skills, experience and knowledge we accumulated over the years using this platform. If you ever need to make your users go “wow”, you know who to go to. We love nothing more than creating amazing websites that combine form and function. Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.
Thank you to all our amazing team, partners, clients, the community and our long-term partners at Webflow—we are beyond grateful to be where we are, and would have never been here without you. We hope our website serves as a tool to better educate and equip those in the community and inspire the brands of the future to keep on growing.
Now, back to work!